Originally written elsewhere in November 2005.
- People are “selves-in-communion” with other objects (people)
- When two or more are gathered together, an imago trinitarias is created. That is, people give to other people who receive from them, and then give back. To the degree that people give and receive completely, (a. selflessly, b. without their “pointness” (Enneagram) getting in the way, ) is to the degree that they “imitate” the Trinitarian life of God, the flow; and thereby participate in and with God’s love outpouring.
- Economics addresses the material needs of each person individually within the group. Each person wants their needs met (autonomy or centripatal force) but must be mitagated by needs of each other person so that the group’s needs equals the equitable givingness and receiving of the individual (centriphical force)
- Economics therefore works at the individual level, moving outward trying to get their own needs met (centripetal force: moving away); as well as at the group level (Imago Trinitas) requiring the individual to “share” with others and thereby being pulled back into others (centriphical force.).
- Resources are what the individuals in the group give and receive with each other.
- The amount of resources are akin to the degrees of healthiness in the point system of the Enneagram. If there are little resources, then the individuals fight over them and the group as a whole suffers. The fewer the needed resources there are, the “more unhealthy” the group is because disparity between individuals is created (rich get richer, poor get poorer); participation in the Trinitarian flow is lessened or stopped in the worst cases (Sin).
- As awareness for a person about their “pointness” increases can lead to a more inner movement to more health (more participation in the Trinity); awareness of group problems can lead to more trinitarian participation.
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